Ozone-depleting Substances Record Book

Record your Ozone-depleting Substances
Log the mandatory ballast records digitally to simplify and avoid the transfer of microorganisms.

The Ozone-depleting Substances (ODS) Record Book is developed for ships and platforms with rechargeable systems that contain depleting substances.

More specifically:

  • Any ship above 400 GT engaged in voyages to ports or offshore
  • Platforms and drilling rigs engaged in voyages to waters

Ships with ODS containing systems or equipment that are required to have an IAPP Certificate must maintain an ODS Record Book. You are required to record any related supply, recharging, repair, discharge, or disposal operations.

With SERTICA, you can easily record the data digitally to eliminate the paper burden and reduce the administrative time of your crew. It simplifies the recording of your Ozone-depleting Substances.

Key Features


Discover all modules

Activity Management

Advanced Analytics

Alert Engine


Approval Web App

Ballast Record Book


Carbon Intensity Indicator Reports 

Cargo Record Book

Central Data Management


CII Simulator

Crew Management

Crew Management Web App

Crew Portal Web App

Custom Reports

Data Collector

Data Synchronisation

Decarbonization Reports

Deck Record Book

Defect Reporting

Document Management

Dry Dock

Dynamic Dashboard