Customer case with TARBIT
TARBIT shares their experience with the SERTICA Inspection App.
Customer case with d’Amico
Learn how d’Amico benefitted from digitalizing their record keeping.
Ship Inspections in SERTICA
Plan all types of activities such as dockings, audits and inspections and track their respective progress.
Electronic Logbooks for ships
Logbooks enables you to go paperless by digitalizing your record keeping.
SERTICA Fleet Management Software
SERTICA is a fleet management software solution for maintenance, procurement, HSQE, and crewing.
SERTICA Mobility
With mobile apps you always bring SERTICA Fleet Management with you and inefficiency is reduced.
SERTICA Connectivity
We connect shipping companies, ports, authorities, suppliers and classification companies.
SERTICA Data Intelligence
Analytics and Dashboards combined becomes a strategic maritime decision tool.