QHSE system: Why the QHSE Management needs to digitalize internal processes
A QHSE system is part of today’s modern management in shipping companies worldwide. They are fully committed to act in accordance with best practices in QHSE, and they take a proactive approach in managing maritime safety.
Complying with the latest national and international shipping regulations and standards is an essential part of working in an international shipping company – especially if you are a QHSE Manager.
What is QHSE?
QHSE is an abbreviation of Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment. Four elements based on the belief that all accidents are caused by human error and can be prevented with training and documentation.
QHSE Management & Maritime Safety
Safety is key, not only to the shipping company and its assets, but also to its clients, employees and the environment.
QHSE Management includes everything from ISO standards, ISM (International Safe Management) code and International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) in order to meet the international standard for working and living onboard a vessel.
As a QHSE Manager you aim for a healthy workplace, high-quality operations, compliance and environmental protection – all this you can manage in our system.
Why QHSE Managers invest in a QHSE system
Investing in a QHSE system enables you to manage and document all policies and proving high standards, code and conduct.
Once processes are digitalized in the system, the data collected can be analyzed to identify trends. As a QHSE Manager, you benefit from many advantages when digitalizing safety processes in a software.
Implementing QHSE software gives your employees and crew access to a standardized and digital system that is easy to use. This will spread a QHSE culture that is unprecedented.
QHSE reporting in SERTICA creates a Safety Mindset
SERTICA creates the best conditions for your crew while ensuring complete traceability and accurate reporting. You can manage all relevant standards and policies and set up various reports.
Today several shipping companies are using our QHSE system. Some of the metrics typically tracked in SERTICA include:
- Incidents
- Accidents
- Near misses
- Non-conformities
- Observations and deficiencies
Digitalizing QHSE Management will reduce your paperwork and allow you to spend more time on high-value activities for the team.
QHSE Managers often go beyond externally imposed regulations and breed a culture of self-regulation. They encourage internal self-critical reflection, continuous improvement and cultural change.
The software not only prepares you for inspections, but also contributes to the creation of a Safety Mindset saving not only money, but lives.
Learn more about Ultraship’s Safety Mindset and how they manage QHSE→